Friday, December 5, 2008

Blogging Still New to Me


This is one item we've had to do that I really still don't understand. I hope that I'm doing this right.

I looked at the map websites and I had a hard time using most of them, but then I'm challenged when it comes to working maps on the computer. I did like the Jules Vernen Jr. map. We study the continents in second grade and I liked how I could show them a blown up picture of each continent.

Vickie Watson


Alison Knits Some Love said...

Vickie, Don't be hard on yourself. You did post correctly. Usually you have your own blog and others just post to you. A group blog, as you see is trickier.

As to the maps, you have to download the application of Google Earth first to get any of the other KML files to work. The GE is just a program that knits together satellite images to show a continuous Earth view by latitude and lognitude. The areas more populated you can zoom in more than those not.

Once you play on GE, then you can download KML files to your computer and double click to install them as "layers" to GE. Then when you open GE you will see the new layer like Jane Goodalls Gorillas. Each time you play around with it you will learn and find more like zooming in and tilting.

Computer skills do not, in my experience, come in a bulk package, I have to mess up several times in order to figure things out. I know this now so just work till I'm frustrated then stop, the next day I seem to get a bit more and go on. You'll find more uses the more you play around with the GE program. Hang in there. Alison

Rebecca said...

Don't feel bad. I thought I was doing this right and just realized I was all wrong. Opps!

On another point...I just learned how to use the navigation on my cool new cell phone! It was neat because the system allowed me to select different views, like 3D or street level. Anyway, I was glad I had it because it got me where I was going!

Unknown said...

I also liked that blown up view of the continents...There are a lot of features that I don't think the kids would use in 2nd grade, but the fact that they can move the maps around, zoom in, and see what they are studying in more detail would be great.

I'm now wondering if I did mine correctly as well, because I don't see it on here anymore. :P

Doug Emmerich said...

Your skills are growing weekly Vickie, my first encounter with Blogs was also baffling, but now I'm to a point I'm more comfortable. You'll get there.