Sunday, December 7, 2008

Geospatial lessons rock!

I use geospatial lessons all of the time in my world geography classes. I am lucky in that I have access to computer for all of my students on an everyday basis, so I really try to use Google Earth as much as I can. Google Earth can be used for so many different aspects of social studies, especially world geography. I had my students study the changes of the Aral Sea in Eurasia and map how the sea has shrunk due to human activities.

Colorado also has an interactive map of crimes for different neighborhoods that I sometimes use just to let the kids look at because it is interesting. One just needs to type in their address and a map with symbols pops up and shows the locations of different crimes. You can also set the date range so you can see change over time. This can be found at:

Access to computers is the main factor that makes this very easy to do in the classroom. I try to find time at least once a week to have the kids play on google earth or something similar. This is a very fast growing field in the workplace as well, so exposure to this in high school is something that makes students more marketable in the workforce.



Alison Knits Some Love said...

Sounds like we have a power user. Thanks for sharing how you use these tools in your classroom. The possibilities are endless! Alison

Shannon Carmody said...

Good point! That access to the technology on a daily basis is such a big factor. The digital divide makes it difficult for all students to have those experiences. I'm glad you are able to make your content so relevant. Nice post! Shannon